Vernix caseosa - Greasy Protective Layer

07/05/2016 17:36
Newborn skin is covered with a pale yellowish fatty deposits that consist of secretions of the sebaceous glands, deskvamiranih briefest cell layer of the skin and decomposed lanugo.
These deposits in the conditions of life in the uterus are the protection of the skin from the effects of amniotic fluid. These deposits will be removed and will disappear completely after two to three baths.
In a small number of infants deposits remain for several days, especially in the armpits, groin, skin, neck and back. They do not need to be removed aggressive media.
Newborns with that vernix caseosa persist a little longer, the infant period, but also in adulthood, tend to form so-called. seborrheic dermatitis, skin disease that results from the increased sebaceous gland.