
Do not worry if your baby in the first few days after birth weight is lost. She was full of water and fat to withstand "marathon" that represents the birth. Probably will return to their original weight after a week. Of course, check with your pediatrician if you are concerned.

If you carefully wash and rinse bottles and teats with warm, clean water scouring and sterilization are not necessary. Be sure to remove all remnants of milk, because they very quickly break down and can impair a baby's stomach. Some dishwashers have a cycle for sanitation, which can further purified bottle.

Always wash hands carefully before preparing adapted milk. Be sure that all containers and utensils are very clean. Wipe the can adapted milk before you open it.

Prepared milk can be kept in the refrigerator for 48 hours if the baby has not touched a pacifier. If so, discard all remaining after feeding.

It is not necessary to heat up prepared milk. Although a small number of baby likes cold milk, some are different than others. Never heat the milk in the microwave. Microwaves unevenly heated milk, making it sporadically cold and mostly hot, you can easily burn your baby when it encounters the boiling milk. Hold the bottle under hot water for several minutes to warm up to room temperature.

All adapted milk are similar, but if someone answers your baby to hold it. In some cases the change in the type of milk can to fix problems with digestion, but this is usually not the case. Talk to your pediatrician before you replace one type of milk to another.

All kinds of adapted milk that are on sale are actually modified cow's milk, other than those of soybeans. If in your family has a lot of allergies and if you choose to formula milk, talk to your pediatrician about the use of soy adapted milk in feeding your baby.

How Tall Will Your Baby Be

23/03/2015 11:41

Belgian and Canadian scientists have developed a mathematical formula that can predict a child's adult height. The researchers point out that their formula is applicable only to girls aged eight to 16 years and boys aged nine to 18 years.

Formula is possible to predict the height of the boy in the adult in the range of 5.4 inches, and girls in the range of 6.8 centimeters.

To predict the extent that the child will grow the necessary data on the age and sex of the child, his weight, height in a sitting position and height when standing.

It turned out that the new formula more precise than the previous method of forecasting the amount of children that was based on a comparison with the height of the parents.

Sleep is Separation

18/03/2015 23:13

With the children's point of view, going to sleep is a separation: from parents, from a sibling, from toys, from the exciting events of the day and of all that will continue to happen in the house. Why would a child readily abandoned it all - especially when it means going into a dark room, where the monsters hiding under the bed, ghosts could float outside the window? There is a child who goes to bed without a fight and quarrel. And no child begins to sleep alone in his bed without much encouragement, learning and strict rules are not changed.

This is the separation of the parents. Although most parents say they are ready to after a long day let the child to be only rain, in fact, many struggle to do so. They sent a child mixed messages, only partially implemented routine and can not maintain discipline which is essential to the child slept only. As parents, we need to recognize our problems and deal with them before they try to resolve concerns that can not our children.

Many cultures allow young children always to sleep with an adult and there's nothing wrong. In fact, many families find that the concept of the family bed is ideal. However, co-sleeping works only if everybody really agree with this idea and if everyone's needs for independence and privacy are met otherwise. Most families in Western societies think that a child should sleep in his bed since his early childhood. In any case, it is best to talk about this openly with your partner. Most parents sometimes takes the children with her in bed, when they are ill, frightened or under pressure. It is, of course, wrong, but remember that no child will be happy to go back to his bed. It is necessary to put you, the parents, given such an instruction and support him in that.

External cephalic

25/02/2015 00:25

External cephalic
The external version is a way to turn a breech baby from birth in the right position
Pregnant by ultrasound
In ultrasound, the doctor can check the position of the child in the belly

In ultrasound, the doctor can check the position of the child in the belly

The unborn child is at the end of a pregnancy in breech presentation (BEL), possibly a so-called external cephalic try to turn the baby yet. This verucht an experienced obstetrician to take the child outside pressure in the right position. If the external version is successful, then the baby is in cephalic presentation.

Only experienced obstetrician should perform the twist in the clinic and taking proper precautions. These include detailed preliminary studies with ultrasound, a continuous CTG monitoring during the turn of the experiment and the opportunity at any time to make an emergency C-section. Advance the pregnant woman is informed about the procedure and its risks and side effects. The external version is from the 37th Week of pregnancy performed. At this time, the lung is already so far advanced that the baby could be born.
Reasons that may militate against external cephalic version:

There are several reasons that may militate against external cephalic version. These include a placenta previa, premature rupture of membranes, Nabelschnurumschlingungen or too little amniotic fluid volume.

It is not said that the external version works. Some children also rotate back. Even so you should advance with his wife doctor carefully weigh the pros and cons. Beck end position can be partly even given birth to a suitably experienced care team. In most cases, doctors make but a cesarean section.

Learning new movements

24/02/2015 22:42

Learning new movements: Help does not help :)

The children do not learn faster when parents help them," says Mecher. For every movement requires not only appropriately trained muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments, but also certain brain activities. The whole thing must be coordinated. In the first months of a responsive infant often due to reflections - vital for him. Only later he can control his movements consciously.

When that child is what this is completely different. If a baby really late times, the pediatrician can decide whether it needs a helping therapy.
Babies need to develop different strategies

By the time a child creates something alone, it must try a lot and down and fail, even if the parents can sometimes be difficult to view. Example seats: physiotherapist Mecher cites two strategies that babies be earned sitting. Some children come first in the - somewhat awkward - fours. Out of it they push themselves sometime back and land on the Po. "It's more of an intermediate stage, often remember the little that they can change their difficult situation from that position. But it was worth a try, "said the therapist.

Most babies learn but sit by support from the side with both hands. "Those who often pulls up his child on the hands to sitting, denied therefore important experience," explains Mecher. ". It does all transitions from lying to know to sit themselves and have the chance to repeat it" the only way a child noted also that it is not just grab with his hands, but can also support - essential if later learns to walk and fall forward.

Extra tip: What medications are allowed during lactation?

Cough, runny nose, sore throat: Diseases can also make breastfeeding. What medications they may take? In what medicines they should give up?


"To bring low fever paracetamol and ibuprofen are," says Dr. med. Corinna Weber Schöndorfer from counseling center for embryonic at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin ( *). Necessary for colds and short walk decongestant nose drops. Respect for herbal medications! Sage about milk is considered to be reducing. "There is often no experience with herbal remedies," said Weber Schöndorfer. So you should always ask your doctor or pharmacist before any medication.

Infectious diseases

"Many drugs have been well studied. Penicillins and cephalosporins are the antibiotics of choice groups during lactation, "says the expert. Mothers should stop breastfeeding does not always, if you need an antibiotic. "Sometimes the baby during treatment has a slightly softer chair," said the doctor.

Chronic diseases

"For most chronically ill patients to find an appropriate drug that can also be used during breast-feeding," says Weber Schöndorfer. "In rare cases, such as combination of certain psychotropic drugs, mothers should stop breastfeeding but." The expert recommends that possible to take drugs that are already on the market longer, because it so give more experience.

Would it be right to feed babies vegetarian?
If parents want to feed her child meatless, you should know how to replace missing nutrients. And the more food they leave, the more danger of a shortage
Baby eating carrot
Small vegetarians: Only vegetables for babies - there is missing something?

Doubtful conditions in factory farms, excessive use of antibiotics, stuffed animal transport - more and more people turn on ideological grounds on meat. It is understandable that they make about thoughts, whether they can maintain a vegetarian diet also their children. "The primary recommendation is a healthy lifestyle along with a balanced Optimized mixed diet," says Prof. Dr. Mathilde Kersting, Deputy. Director of the Research Institute of Child Nutrition (FKE). "And that also includes meat."

The FKE have, however, repeatedly over the years received inquiries as to whether and how babies and children can be a vegetarian. Therefore, the scientists have responded and recommendations issued. "The vegetarian diet is considering the Optimized mixed diet, a diet second choice, but for which we see no serious risks," says Kersting. So that the child gets all the essential nutrients, parents should consider the following points.

Important iron for pregnant women and in the complementary feeding

This starts in the womb: Pregnant should ensure adequate iron intake. Your demand is higher than usual during the nine months since the iron stores of the babies are created and filled. Vegetarians can have their iron supply using an appropriate diet to make sure that combines whole grains or legumes with vitamin C-containing fruits and vegetables.

During lactation the mother usually the memory fill up again, because through breast milk gives her body barely iron to the baby from. The Little, however, needs to be stored iron then for the most part. After breastfeeding , therefore, iron-rich complementary foods is very important. "Again, meat-containing slurries in Germany the first choice," says Kersting. "For vegetarians, we have found an alternative solution." Instead of the vegetable-meat and potato mash, the loud Beikostplan is recommended from the fifth to the seventh month, a suitable vegetable and potato corn porridge .
Is a vegetarian diet equivalent?

Why applies vegetarian diet as a second choice? "Whether the meatless substitute just as good, is difficult to determine," says Kersting. To investigate this, we would need two groups of children, of which one is after the primary recommendation, that a balanced diet and meaty. The only other likely differ in the fact that they replaced the meat through the recommended alternatives. Such a situation should produce practically impossible.

However, we now know much about the nutrients that we - and our children - need. They are all included in the recommended food containing mixed diet. Meat can only be replaced good. But the more food you leave out, the more danger of a shortage. "In practice, there are different forms of vegetarians," says Kersting. "For some parents it is only important to refrain from meat, but not to fish. Other omit also fish, eggs and possibly even dairy products "in the literature distinguishes between three types:. Ovo-lacto-vegetarians eat no meat and no fish, lacto-vegetarians forego further on eggs and vegans on the other animal foods such as dairy products and honey.
From a vegan diet experts recommend

Nutrients, in addition to iron, which is to look in the vegetarian based foods are zinc and vitamin B12. "Both of you get to cow's milk, vitamin B12 also has fish and eggs," says Kersting. "Would parents feed their child vegan, so they should hold in all cases with her pediatrician consultation." This will probably still consult a nutritionist. Frequently, the wizard creates together with their parents for a longer period of time a food record. From the information he assesses whether the child missing nutrients. He advises parents how they can compensate for the deficiency.

"Vegan diets in children can only work using nutritional supplements," says Kersting. "And that's always a last resort, to which you can not guess." Also, pregnant women and lactating vegans it is recommended to consult their doctor. "Presumably they will at least have to replace vitamin B12." Did the doctor or dietitian suspect that the diet is too one can possibly be needed a blood test. "Generally speaking, it is not recommended to control the blood regularly," says Kersting.

Fit after birth

16/02/2015 04:38

Fit after birth - back to old strengths

Joys and sorrows of the parent happiness lie - at least for most mothers - close together. For the little guy who could make it nine months in the belly cozy, has left its mark. Apart from the disastrous to the increased number of kilos must take note of woman with horror, wear stretch marks and sagging belly does not really help you to feel comfortable around. But before it comes with free weights and exercise mat back to the desired figure should be clarified in advance some things.

Step by step to the old form:

Rule Number One: The strong, silent type

Who puts itself to high goals is in danger of being overwhelmed. The desired result may not be immediately apparent, and the self-confidence to rattle again in the basement. So rather small, but effective exercise units that achieve long term results and more on top of that are healthier and kinder to your body and soul.

Rule Number Two: baby as a home trainer

Mothers - whether they like it or non-automatic sporting, for he who believes that a more difficult nascent baby which you day after day carries around with him no lasting traces in the form of muscle mass leaves, are completely wrong!

Rule Number Three: The rest follows (almost) by itself

A moderate gymnastics program and halfway sensible diet will do the rest for old character to come closer step by step. A little willpower and perseverance are - as with any fitness plan - here are needed, because nothing comes from nothing known.
Fitness Timetable:

The first two weeks after birth:

IMPORTANT: Absolutely NO abdominal training, even if such problem area is number one!
Premature abdominal training weakens sustain the pelvic floor - an area that deserves as one of the first full attention, because especially after a vaginal birth, the pelvic floor is severely stretched and therefore not 100% usable. Constant pelvic floor weakness to incontinence are ugly consequences that should be avoided.
Dear should relaxation and toning units are available for the pelvic floor on the program, as well as gentle exercises for circuit activation

The first three months after birth:

This can now be started relatively unconcerned with postnatal exercises. A solid surface and a bit of space are enough to own four walls in a mini - to transform the gym. Exercises that stimulate the lochia and blood flow are on the program as a small selection of expansion units, pelvic abdominal muscle and back exercises. Who at home alone is not enough to find driving tired limbs into motion, to participate in a Rückbildungsgymnastik course - preferably with baby, because that not only have they anything like this!

From the fourth month after birth:

Is their pelvic floor again (can best be confirmed by their gynecologist) fully functional, they may sporty fully go back on the whole! Sports such as swimming, walking, inline skating, horseback riding, Pilates or yoga continue to support the pelvic floor activity, get fit and do not pollute. Caution still sports such as jogging, tennis or volleyball - here you should probably preferable to wait a few weeks not to create unnecessary load to the pelvic floor.
6 sports in check

Who from the fourth month full of energy now, and the rest Schwangerschaftspölsterchen finally moeche declare war, is sure his favorites in these six sports.

1. Cycling

Ideally suited to the condition reserves to rebuild a bit. Three to five times a week cycle cozy enough already to improve the basic endurance significantly.

2. Nordic Walking

The so-called Nordic Walking is considered downright ptimaler entry sport! Trains stamina and strong gentle additionally the upper body. 10 to 15 minutes a day they should incorporate into their fitness plan.

3. Swimming

An extremely soft and gentle way to both their perseverance, and to trim her figure back on top form. Caution in imperial or episiotomy wounds - they have to avoid infection, his previously completely healed! Once or twice a week, 45 minutes moderate exercise should be scheduled here.

4. Yoga

Yoga is an Indian philosophical doctrine, which includes a range of mental and physical exercises (eg Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, kriyas, meditation) and / or asceticism. Yoga stretches and strengthens not only the muscles, but also promotes the concentration, and helps stressed mothers back to relax a little.

5. Pilates

Similar to yoga helps Pilates to let your mind wander a bit, relax and, incidentally, to tighten the muscles.

6. Aerobic

The rule is: prepare only increase their basic fitness and sufficient pelvic floor, as in this sport ligaments and pelvic floor are exposed by the thrusts a big load! An alternative is aqua fitness offer - through the water ligaments and pelvic floor exercises are gentle and sparing

Pregnancy and sport

16/02/2015 04:36

Pregnancy and sport - what to look for

Basically movement is not only allowed but also recommended in pregnancy. Of course most important requirement is the health of pregnant women. The basic rule for sports and exercise in pregnancy: Listen in on her doctor and her intuition!

The variety of advice from counselors for expectant mothers can sometimes even unsettling effect. Can a pregnant even still play sports without harming themselves or their child? - The best way is probably to discuss this with a doctor or midwife and then mainly to listen to your own feelings. If woman noticed a few simple rules of thumb and not overworked, outweigh the positive effects of sport in all cases. But a general rule: Break each workout immediately if you feel uncomfortable or dizzy, or if bleeding occurs. Consult your doctor then!

Sports with little risk of injury and excessive stress are well suited for pregnant women. These include sports such as Nordic walking , jogging, swimming, yoga or cycling on an ergometer .Sportarten who run the risk of falls or collisions in itself should also be avoided, as well as extreme physical stress.
Positive effect of sport in pregnancy

Sports and exercise during pregnancy are certainly healthy in moderation, as long as you feel comfortable doing. They promote endurance, strength and promote muscle growth. This can help the expectant mother prepare for the strains of the birth. But even during pregnancy helps sport to many minor and major pregnancy complications. Back pain, constipation and fatigue can be alleviated or eliminated through sport. Holds woman during pregnancy fit, so it is often easier that after pregnancy the weight will again quite get rid of. Moreover, sport and exercise simply promotes the good mood.
Risk sports: When should I leave the training rather stay

In previous premature birth or miscarriage, bleeding or increased existing problems with joints and back, a doctor should be consulted. Sometimes it is advisable to limit namely the training for the remaining period of pregnancy in these circumstances or even to suspend.
For the safe exercise for pregnant women

The simple rule of thumb for pregnant women is: Do not overexert! Do only what you also like! Try to make the physical burden so that you could have a good way still is. It is recommended not to exercise on a pulse of about 140 beats per minute. So make sure not to exceed this limit. Due to strong endurance exercise may in the mother namely a rise in body temperature occur ( hyperthermia ). As a result, the blood flow is increased in the muscles and to cool the skin and can lead to a reduced supply of the child.

Furthermore, intense, vigorous exercise, the increase in stress hormones can cause adrenaline and noradrenaline. This noradrenaline can trigger premature labor. Finally, strong mechanical stress such as physical education should be avoided on the uneven bars, as this could lead to premature rupture of the amniotic membrane. Women who have trained intensively before the onset of pregnancy may initially continue with their doctor their training program often as usual after consultation.

Caution should be exercised for all pregnant women with stretching exercises. The expectant mother's body is changing under the influence of the distributed during pregnancy hormones. For example, increases the hormone relaxin, which in pregnancy in ten fold higher concentration present the ductility of joints and ligaments to the growing fetus to create enough space. In this case, all other joints and ligaments are relaxed. Therefore, it can easily lead to injury, overstretching or strains.
Highly suitable sports for expectant mothers

As mentioned above, the criteria for appropriate low sports injury and risk of falls, and even physical stress.

    Walking and hiking are very suitable for pregnant women. The load can this be good even metered. But Do not enter here into higher altitudes than 2000m.

    When jogging , it is important to pay attention to the pulse. Walk a few steps if the heartbeat is too fast and you could no longer entertain. Wear well-cushioned running shoes and walk on soft ground such as preferred in the forest, rather than on hard asphalt. This protects the joints.

    Swimming relieves joints and prevents the water pressure varicose veins and cellulite. Water temperatures 18-24 ° C are good for pregnant women. However, make sure to shower after swimming the same and change the swimsuit to avoid fungal infections.

    The Far Eastern Yoga in turn may be exercised during the entire pregnancy. Avoid doing stretching exercises but that could perform the loosened ligaments and joints to strain or overstretching.

    The movements during cycling themselves are quite suitable for pregnant and who have no problems with the pelvic floor. Nevertheless, it should due to the risk of falls from 2nd trimester the wheel by the bicycle ergometer . be replaced.

Stretch marks

13/02/2015 06:24

 Stretch marks

Stretch marks are indeed unpopular with women, but they can be, unfortunately, often difficult to avoid. Fortunately, there are some tricks to promote the Pale of stretch marks after birth. While the facial skin during pregnancy often fresher and smoother effect, it looks in remote regions is quite different. On the stomach, thighs, breasts and buttocks can form serpentine fine strips approximately between the fourth and sixth month - the so-called stretch marks.

Every second pregnant has these connective tissue, often even before pregnancy to the body parts one sees, for example, are umworfen a diet increased weight and size variations: These are often thighs or arms, breasts or a belly. What the eye does not exactly pleased, but is the result of a useful means of the body.
Cause of stretch marks

In pregnancy the connective tissue is stressed by weight gain and increase in the abdominal circumference. Therefore, it expands with automatically. This process keep the collagenous fibers of weak connective tissue was not always. At particularly exposed parts of the body then they tear so that reddish blue strips arise that fade after birth. What remains less pronounced silvery scars.
Regular massage against stretch marks

In order to prevent stretch marks, you should massage regularly with the beginning of pregnancy your breasts, abdomen, your butt and thighs. By circular movements, kneading and plucking the circulation is stimulated and strengthened the elasticity of fabric.

To plucking massage are accessed gently with your thumb and forefinger smaller areas of skin, raises it carefully and let it go again. You perform daily about 5 minutes. How about if you ever before falling asleep thinking about it? Many women swear that the massages (ie better every day at least twice a week) lead to success with regular use.

However, there are also women, in which the connective tissue is improving through the massage, stretch marks, however, still occur. From the ninth month all women will only recommend a very gentle massage of the abdominal region, there can trigger excessive massage strokes labor.

Also alternately hot showers is good for blood circulation and skin metabolism. In addition, you can already maintain the vulnerable regions with a special massage washcloth while taking a shower. Always Finish the poikilothermic shower operations with a cool iron.

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