
One of the first unknown young parents is a problem changing table. The mass of different information received from several quarters, Ultrasound hips in babies is often difficult to establish criteria on which to select relevant, adequate counseling, and the right way to separate them from the flat-rate speculation, modern trends and archaic customs.

Here are some scientifically based attitudes that can help:

In our environment, the decades of systematic ultrasound examinations for early detection of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH).

It is the insidious disease of unknown cause, but it is known that the appearance of influencing a combination of factors: genetic predisposition, unfavorable positions of the fetus during pregnancy, decreased amount of amniotic fluid, hypermobility of the hip joint, and the way changing table.

In RCC present dysplasia acetabular (hip socket joint) - phenomena that he was insufficient depth, too steep or inappropriate orientation). The speed of development and the intensity of the disorder vary greatly, resulting in different clinical picture in different age. What is the speed of development of the disorder is less, to the clinical symptoms milder and later formed, and the need for ultrasound (later radiographic) diagnosis is higher. For this reason the work periodic control ultrasound examinations.

• If a disruption occurs early and progresses rapidly, manifested dislocation (dislocation) of the hip joint present at birth (and in addition to the mandatory clinical examination as early as possible in order for the first ultrasound of the hips, to neoperativnolečenje which previously applied).

• Milder expressed disorder on the first or control with an overview see a subluxation of the joint.

• More lenient expressed form of dysplasia is diagnosed much later in adulthood.

Weight disease is in inverse proportion to the incidence of: sprains are less frequent and usually mild dysplasia.

Controls pediatrician:

• The procedure Ortolani: baby lying on his back, thighs are pushed down.

• The procedure Barlow: baby lying on his back, thighs are pushed up, sideways and down.

Product Awareness

Considering that the items are readily available anywhere (practically), buyers recognize the exact same.
They recognize the item well enough as well as credible the business (according to the advertising and marketing methods and excellence of the item, certainly).

The main goal of the supplier is actually to strengthen the recognition of the product on the market.

The product increases even more recognition by means of commercials, paper advertisements, as well as word-of-mouth promotion.

Increased Sales and Profits

FMCGs and also similar items are actually regularly utilized; consequently they are created in a massive quantity.
The items are distributed by means of several retail outlets, and also due to the fact that they are regularly utilized, they are marketed rather swiftly as well. Thus, creating ample cash.
You might possess experienced this yourself-- you may possess visited the supermarket to buy one thing as well as located that this is out of inventory. The same item may be accessible at an additional discount store or the petrol station. Thus, ultimately, the firm advantages through the higher accessibility of products.

Advertising and marketing Effectiveness

Extensive distribution helps increase marketing effectiveness.
As a supplier, you understand how much as well as where the item is actually being actually utilized, you know specifically ways to modify your advertising and marketing method to create a profit.
You might have found commercials where a tooth paste brand name provides 25 % extra at the exact same cost. Or even, possibly a free of cost item is delivered on the investment of another product, etc
. When you learn the requirement for your item, you could formulate means to manage the advertising and marketing initiative.

Rash Acquisition

Rash acquisition might function as a double-edged sword.
The simple fact is, considering that products that use impulsive strategy are actually utilized regularly, everyone performs not give a great deal of believed to what is actually being actually obtained and why.
Many of the buying is impulsive. If they do not just like one label, they will simply shift to the various other.
Along with efficient marketing, items might get the customers' commitment. Generally, the very same items are actually used by clients; typically, the item is so quickly accessible that they may attempt a new brand name for a modification, but prefer buying the outdated one and also follow their preferences.

How to defend from stress?
In many cultures around the world for centuries during pregnancy is considered a time of peace and tranquility. For example, an ancient Japanese tradition Taikio warns pregnant women to avoid noisy squabbles and street vendors to keep quiet gardens and the sounds of bells and percussion driven by wind. In Shakespeare's work "Henry V", Lady Grey loud ensures that "sadness and tears can suffocate or strangle" her unborn child. Modern women are health magazines, various literature and internet substitute for tradition and prejudice.

They find in them tips for relaxation, meditation and relaxation, yoga exercises and other methods that can lower levels of stress hormones in the body. However, any method that calms the mother (walk through the city, going out into nature, reading books, knitting ...) and that he can stop the "kaskajućeg lion" - is good for the future mental and emotional well-being of her child.

Stress is the enemy!

Studies have shown that the higher the level of anxiety in expectant mothers, are more likely to suffer from nausea during the whole pregnancy. In addition, it increases the possibility that the delivery will be long and painful. A baby who has a long time been exposed to stress hormones will be restless, irritable, prone to stomach cramps and various infections.

Ironically, many couples are delaying pregnancy until middle or late thirties, hoping that greater stability in his career and finances, they find that their stress levels during pregnancy higher because they are worried about the possible problems caused by the mother's age. The cause of this chronic stress are the most frightening stories before the mother-served "well-meaning" family members. And that's just in the period when the mother and her unborn child needed peace and tranquility.

WHAT actually happens in the body?
Working at Stanford, Sapolsky discovered that over a long period under chronic against cortisol and associated hormones cause it to nerve cells in certain parts of the brain lose their branches and die. This can eventually lead to poor memory, unclear thinking and a lack of creativity. Because other negative effects of stress, leading to interruption of some vital functions in the body, can lead to the chronic fatigue, muscle pain, high blood pressure, ulcers, fertility problems and increased risk of all diseases.

HOW DOES STRESS ON pregnant woman and her baby
As galloping zebra experiencing temporary disruption of the flow of play, as well as pregnant women acting chronic stress is transferred to the fetus. Increased cortisol levels diverted blood flow, and it instead of supplying the uterus and fetus circulate to other parts of her body. The consequence of this is to reduce the amount of oxygen and food that gets the result - in extreme cases even up to 60%!

Stress hormones cross the placenta accelerating your baby's heartbeat. Although the passage of stress hormones through the placenta has not sufficiently trained, it is assumed that they in fetal brain act the same as in adults - reducing the number of neurons and prevent their complete formation.

If the mother is stressed, in her body excrete harmful hormones that reduce the number of neurons in the baby's brain. So, stay away from stressful situations as much as possible - you will make your child (and yourself) a big favor!

Most people do not realize how much stress is harmful to health, do not know how to recognize the symptoms and do not know how to ameliorate. True, at the present time it is impossible to live and never experience stress. However, if you know the "enemy", the easier it will win. Pregnant women are particularly susceptible to stress because it causes the excretion of hormones that weaken the immune system, impede digestion, speed up the heart rate and, most importantly, the placenta entering the baby's body, making it promiscuity.

STRESS affect  the body?
To understand how the mechanism of stress and to what extent is it harmful to the human body, imagine a zebra widely wide-eyed and dust that glows under its hooves while galloping before the lioness who greedily chasing. At the time the zebra revealed lioness signal from her brain started work adrenal glands located on top of the kidneys, which then begins to secrete stress hormones: epinephrine, norepinephrine and cortisol.

These hormones immediately accelerate zebra heart rate, blood flow and breathing, all that is necessary is that the animals could escape as soon as possible before the attacker. These hormones also terminate all processes in the body (digestion, growth, ovulation, the immune system, as well as branching and sprouting of neurons in the brain) that zebras are not required as long as it is occupied with the struggle for survival. Now it needs only speed and nothing else. If you manage to get out of the trouble, its vital functions will soon be back to normal.

Using Blogs For Promotion

21/09/2015 22:30

Of course, promotion through blogs is not only hire other blogs. Many companies have their own corporate blogs. Where written various articles on various topics, and through them crawling promotion for your products or services. Here, we take the example Limundo or MTS. Limundo writes about a lot of beautiful things and often do not hang a single banner, image, or a link to one of their product. But because with them you can read beautiful texts on taxes, modern business and current affairs. So when you read the article you'll wonder, "Well, great text. And what do they do these people? Let's see. "

In practice, this look their blogpost on the topic of second-hand goods where they write about craziness laws and the terrible tax inspection. In this text, you will not find in any advertising content Limundo. Absolutely none. But then with a blog to go right to the site and see what you sell and what they are doing. It's just one of the scenarios. Blog is also used for branding and maintaining reputation. Even if nothing is sold, you talk about them, share their contents. And that is good and in terms of SEO. On the other hand, see an excellent corporate blog MTS say where among other things they write about "How to make the perfect instagram photos."

Through this blog does not sell directly to their products or services, but they share their knowledge. "Fertilize" the Internet. And people appreciate that. Someone who might never have used the MTS, through Google's finds text that explains how to make top instagram images, and amazed by the text, and thought, "Well, they're really cool people from the MTS. Let me see what else is there "and perhaps ultimately yarn with them, or buy a phone or .... get it already ...

The point of the blog is to pamper the reader and it discreetly, indirectly interested in the particular company, product or service. The ultimate point is to "tell the story". Sell ​​emotion.

First time at the dentist

13/09/2015 00:20

The purpose of the first visit to the dentist is introducing a child, sometimes parents, with the surrounding dental practice and the introduction of preventive measures (fluoridation, proper diet, fissure sealing). Visits can be done from six months of age, and no later than the second birthday.

The first visit to the dentist is probably the most important for the future of oral health of the child and so do not have a dentist should take a child only when a tooth hurts.

Parents play a crucial role in the preparation of the child for the first review. The baby crying is a normal reaction to the new environment. Relaxation dentist and parents is very important. After introductions and a few visits a child to be relaxed.

Morning and early afternoon is the ideal time of day for children, because there are not tired and irritable. It is recommended that the child comes paired with a peer, especially if you showed greater fear.

An experienced dentist has prepared a plan to visit his little patient.

Children of women who during pregnancy consumed alcohol regularly may already at the age of six months have poorer vision.

But previous studies have shown that prenatal exposure to alcohol leads to difficulties in physical and mental development of the child. Because it is not known what amount of alcohol increase the risk for development of the fetus, pregnant women and women who might become pregnant should avoid alcohol.

The new research was conducted by American scientists from Children's Hospital in Boston. It turned out that the amount of alcohol he consumed 131 respondents was proportionally related to the formation of poor vision in their babies.

The children of women who consumed alcohol during pregnancy had an average of three times more likely to have poorer vision. Researchers results explain the damage that alcohol causes the retina of the eye and the brain related to vision.

At each high temperature the body needs more water, so it is important to drink enough fluids. Lack of fluid in the body often is a consequence rather than the cause of elevated temperature, so that it is precisely this lack as a result of an incentive to continue supporting febrile.

Fight with fever usually is "symptomatic". If your doctor has prescribed antibiotics, it does not mean that this problem is resolved fever, because a child under antibiotic therapy usually two days has a fever.

The first step in removing the temperature more than 39 degrees is physical - massage, watering and showering the child with tepid water (temperature about 35 degrees Celsius). The whole body, except the face and head, should be watering.

The water, which thus perishes with the body surface, takes him a significant amount of heat. To remove the temperature in children, alcohol is not a good choice. Rubbing the skin terry towel soaked in warm water has a weaker effect.

Lining of warm water so apply a wet diaper damp or wet sheet (lukewarm water), wrap the child from neck to toe. Above that puts the thicker, dry terry cloth towel. After four to five minutes to compress such removed, the child is completely unfolded and rubbed terry towel.

Medicines for downloading temperatures give your child only if recommended by a doctor. Never in my hand to give syrups or any other medicines. Effect after administration of the drug occur after half an hour to 45 minutes, even after the application of therapies not neglect physical methods of removing temperatures.

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