External cephalic

25/02/2015 00:25

External cephalic
The external version is a way to turn a breech baby from birth in the right position
Pregnant by ultrasound
In ultrasound, the doctor can check the position of the child in the belly

In ultrasound, the doctor can check the position of the child in the belly

The unborn child is at the end of a pregnancy in breech presentation (BEL), possibly a so-called external cephalic try to turn the baby yet. This verucht an experienced obstetrician to take the child outside pressure in the right position. If the external version is successful, then the baby is in cephalic presentation.

Only experienced obstetrician should perform the twist in the clinic and taking proper precautions. These include detailed preliminary studies with ultrasound, a continuous CTG monitoring during the turn of the experiment and the opportunity at any time to make an emergency C-section. Advance the pregnant woman is informed about the procedure and its risks and side effects. The external version is from the 37th Week of pregnancy performed. At this time, the lung is already so far advanced that the baby could be born.
Reasons that may militate against external cephalic version:

There are several reasons that may militate against external cephalic version. These include a placenta previa, premature rupture of membranes, Nabelschnurumschlingungen or too little amniotic fluid volume.

It is not said that the external version works. Some children also rotate back. Even so you should advance with his wife doctor carefully weigh the pros and cons. Beck end position can be partly even given birth to a suitably experienced care team. In most cases, doctors make but a cesarean section.