Pregnancy and sport

16/02/2015 04:36

Pregnancy and sport - what to look for

Basically movement is not only allowed but also recommended in pregnancy. Of course most important requirement is the health of pregnant women. The basic rule for sports and exercise in pregnancy: Listen in on her doctor and her intuition!

The variety of advice from counselors for expectant mothers can sometimes even unsettling effect. Can a pregnant even still play sports without harming themselves or their child? - The best way is probably to discuss this with a doctor or midwife and then mainly to listen to your own feelings. If woman noticed a few simple rules of thumb and not overworked, outweigh the positive effects of sport in all cases. But a general rule: Break each workout immediately if you feel uncomfortable or dizzy, or if bleeding occurs. Consult your doctor then!

Sports with little risk of injury and excessive stress are well suited for pregnant women. These include sports such as Nordic walking , jogging, swimming, yoga or cycling on an ergometer .Sportarten who run the risk of falls or collisions in itself should also be avoided, as well as extreme physical stress.
Positive effect of sport in pregnancy

Sports and exercise during pregnancy are certainly healthy in moderation, as long as you feel comfortable doing. They promote endurance, strength and promote muscle growth. This can help the expectant mother prepare for the strains of the birth. But even during pregnancy helps sport to many minor and major pregnancy complications. Back pain, constipation and fatigue can be alleviated or eliminated through sport. Holds woman during pregnancy fit, so it is often easier that after pregnancy the weight will again quite get rid of. Moreover, sport and exercise simply promotes the good mood.
Risk sports: When should I leave the training rather stay

In previous premature birth or miscarriage, bleeding or increased existing problems with joints and back, a doctor should be consulted. Sometimes it is advisable to limit namely the training for the remaining period of pregnancy in these circumstances or even to suspend.
For the safe exercise for pregnant women

The simple rule of thumb for pregnant women is: Do not overexert! Do only what you also like! Try to make the physical burden so that you could have a good way still is. It is recommended not to exercise on a pulse of about 140 beats per minute. So make sure not to exceed this limit. Due to strong endurance exercise may in the mother namely a rise in body temperature occur ( hyperthermia ). As a result, the blood flow is increased in the muscles and to cool the skin and can lead to a reduced supply of the child.

Furthermore, intense, vigorous exercise, the increase in stress hormones can cause adrenaline and noradrenaline. This noradrenaline can trigger premature labor. Finally, strong mechanical stress such as physical education should be avoided on the uneven bars, as this could lead to premature rupture of the amniotic membrane. Women who have trained intensively before the onset of pregnancy may initially continue with their doctor their training program often as usual after consultation.

Caution should be exercised for all pregnant women with stretching exercises. The expectant mother's body is changing under the influence of the distributed during pregnancy hormones. For example, increases the hormone relaxin, which in pregnancy in ten fold higher concentration present the ductility of joints and ligaments to the growing fetus to create enough space. In this case, all other joints and ligaments are relaxed. Therefore, it can easily lead to injury, overstretching or strains.
Highly suitable sports for expectant mothers

As mentioned above, the criteria for appropriate low sports injury and risk of falls, and even physical stress.

    Walking and hiking are very suitable for pregnant women. The load can this be good even metered. But Do not enter here into higher altitudes than 2000m.

    When jogging , it is important to pay attention to the pulse. Walk a few steps if the heartbeat is too fast and you could no longer entertain. Wear well-cushioned running shoes and walk on soft ground such as preferred in the forest, rather than on hard asphalt. This protects the joints.

    Swimming relieves joints and prevents the water pressure varicose veins and cellulite. Water temperatures 18-24 ° C are good for pregnant women. However, make sure to shower after swimming the same and change the swimsuit to avoid fungal infections.

    The Far Eastern Yoga in turn may be exercised during the entire pregnancy. Avoid doing stretching exercises but that could perform the loosened ligaments and joints to strain or overstretching.

    The movements during cycling themselves are quite suitable for pregnant and who have no problems with the pelvic floor. Nevertheless, it should due to the risk of falls from 2nd trimester the wheel by the bicycle ergometer . be replaced.