The crisis after birth

25/01/2015 19:15

The crisis after birth

Finally, this long-awaited baby is here!

Your daughter - your son Now you've done it, the birth is well over, the father beams with pride grandparents are so happy -. And you, you are too?

In so many books is described as happy mothers behaved too. This is so in theory and in practice, it now looks for you is quite different. That expected from you and perfect "mother luck" is now only tears of a great fear and this absolute uncertainty as it should go further. You want to be the "perfect" mother and now this.

No one around you wants to believe what is going on inside you. You would have to be soooo happy! Should ........ Why does happiness have to adjust to command? It can come very quickly, this feeling of happiness, but it does not have. As ungrateful you are held up and you do not want to see your baby from breastfeeding you want to know anything. It's just you all too much!

You have the baby blues. A term that latches much more loving and more understanding than the old traditional concept of "Heultage" after the birth of a child. So there is this feeling low of a mother for some time, perhaps forever.

My friend heard as the Council of the Family "giving up again!" How easy! Why was not taken in the arm and could let her tears flow. Should be as happy woman. It is anticipated. But does not have to be! So I think it is particularly important to express these concerns and to address. For this reason I write about here!

When baby blues mood mother drops to an absolute minimum. This is done within the first 10 days of life of their child. He often occurs between the third and fifth day after birth. What causes this feeling low? Blame and are triggered by the strong hormonal changes, the use of the birth and the now completely new and different life situation in which the mother finds.

How is the baby blues to see? You as a parent feel a great sadness and cry very often. You are sensitive, irritated and your mood varies greatly. You feel exhausted and tired. You will find no rest and no sleep. You're afraid of what is and what is coming. You have trouble concentrating.