Using Blogs For Promotion

21/09/2015 22:30

Of course, promotion through blogs is not only hire other blogs. Many companies have their own corporate blogs. Where written various articles on various topics, and through them crawling promotion for your products or services. Here, we take the example Limundo or MTS. Limundo writes about a lot of beautiful things and often do not hang a single banner, image, or a link to one of their product. But because with them you can read beautiful texts on taxes, modern business and current affairs. So when you read the article you'll wonder, "Well, great text. And what do they do these people? Let's see. "

In practice, this look their blogpost on the topic of second-hand goods where they write about craziness laws and the terrible tax inspection. In this text, you will not find in any advertising content Limundo. Absolutely none. But then with a blog to go right to the site and see what you sell and what they are doing. It's just one of the scenarios. Blog is also used for branding and maintaining reputation. Even if nothing is sold, you talk about them, share their contents. And that is good and in terms of SEO. On the other hand, see an excellent corporate blog MTS say where among other things they write about "How to make the perfect instagram photos."

Through this blog does not sell directly to their products or services, but they share their knowledge. "Fertilize" the Internet. And people appreciate that. Someone who might never have used the MTS, through Google's finds text that explains how to make top instagram images, and amazed by the text, and thought, "Well, they're really cool people from the MTS. Let me see what else is there "and perhaps ultimately yarn with them, or buy a phone or .... get it already ...

The point of the blog is to pamper the reader and it discreetly, indirectly interested in the particular company, product or service. The ultimate point is to "tell the story". Sell ​​emotion.