Why Babies Should Not Eat Honey

08/10/2015 09:45

Honey can cause infant botulism, a dangerous infection of the intestinal tract. Infant botulism is a disease that occurs when a newborn enters the bacterium that produces a toxin inside the body. This is a very dangerous infection of the intestinal tract. There is increasing evidence to suggest that honey may be the cause of this type of botulism.

Honey is a known source of spores that produce Clostridium botulinum. When the infant ingested, these bacteria produce a toxin that causes infant botulism, a serious but fortunately rare food poisoning.

Therefore, children younger than 12 months should never be given honey. Infant botulism is not at all harmless disease because it attacks the nervous system of babies in the most severe cases can even lead to death.

However, most of the baby fails to recover. The most common signs and symptoms of botulism include:
• persistent constipation (constipation)
• endearing hands, feet and neck
• A faint cry because of muscle weakness
• Difficulty in breastfeeding, the baby has no power to draw milk
• Increased fatigue infants (constant sleepiness)
• Difficulty in breathing

The spores of botulism also can nest in some foods with low acid which alone saves in boxes for storing food in the refrigerator, or in sugar syrup. Keep this in mind and avoid these foods in the diet of infants.