Your baby's sleep

16/01/2015 04:55


Your newborn knows of no difference between day and night. And be relatively small stomach can not hold enough food to keep it sick for a long time. In the very first time the hunger is stronger than the need for sleep. Because your baby needs to eat every few hours - day and night. Some children even doctors recommend that parents should not let their newborn sleep for so long that larger intervals between meals arise: All three to four hours, your baby needs his milk.
How long sleeps a newborn?

A newborn baby sleeps 16 hours a day or more. Sometimes your baby sleeps perhaps even three to four hours at a time. Like all people, including babies have different sleep stages: fatigue, REM sleep (REM = rapid eye movement, rapid eye movement), light sleep, deep sleep and extreme deep sleep. Be his waking hours The older your child gets, the longer. Initially, the three to four hours of sleep stages are usually stressful for parents, as they interfere with their sleep. Please be patient, this changes when your child is older and better adapt to the rhythm of life outside the womb.
Where to sleep our baby?

In the first few weeks, it is most parents prefer that their baby is sleeping in the master bedroom, as in a cradle or bassinet . Keep the baby to the parents' bed or not? This is controversial. Undoubtedly, most babies like the physical proximity to z. B. soothe easier. And nursing mothers do not need to get up to give their child the breast.

However, many pediatricians warn against taking the child with the parents bed: where it can easily lead to overheating because babies their body temperature can initially poorly controlled. If you have a bassinet or a crib with wheels, your baby may well also sleep during the day is about in your area in the living room. Do you already have a stationary crib, you can provisionally quiet during the day let your baby sleep times in the stroller carry bag, to have it in your area.

No matter where your child is asleep: watch out for his safety. Do not put anything in the crib that could block his breathing, so no stuffed animals. To ensure that your baby is not strangled or injured, may be near him no loose cords or cords; also there should be nowhere sharp or pointed edges. For sure you go when buying a crib, if you pay attention to the TÜV or GS seal.
How should we lie down our baby in bed?

Put your baby to sleep on his back, pediatricians recommend. Studies on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome suggest that the risk is reduced when a baby sleeps in one of these positions. Support your child in the back with a rolled towel or small a wedge (in baby supply stores) from so that it maintains its position. Do not put your child as possible to the abdomen. It is easier to make a blockage of the airways and the little ones who can lift your head little time being spent much of her breath breathe again. For premature infants or children who very much spit , but other sleeping positions can be cheaper. Discuss this with your pediatrician.