
Behavior pet the pregnant woman is very interesting topic. The animals, in fact, feel that something is happening with their owners, because cats and dogs very well feel a change in mood and behavior of their respective owners.

If a pregnant woman has a dog, it can happen to her pet starts to act protectively, and this at the very beginning of pregnancy. Some are so great protectors of barking and ready to bite or lock the door to strangers approaching the owners, and there have been cases where even as Dad is not exactly welcome.

Cats are affectionate mistress in the same way as dogs. If they feel rejected or ignored, could show their claws and little cat envy. His disapproval can display and what will pee in places where it otherwise would never have made.

Experts advise owners to minimize change its previous routine, because the animal takes time to adjust to the new situation.

Better mood

It is scientifically proven that socializing with pets improves mood, affects depression, positive effect on the pressure and even extend life! And the children are with them learn responsibility, expressing feelings and respect for nature!

Može li sasvim bez mesa

Može. Buduće majke mogu se mirno hraniti na vegetarijanski način. Ali, na jelovniku moraju u svakom slučaju imati mlijeko i mliječne proizvode, salatu, kao i hljeb od cjelovitog žita. Sve ove namirnice trebaju pažljivo kombinirati, pa je zato najbolje potražiti savjet dijetetičara.

Štedite masnoće!

Pazite na kvalitet hrane: U kuhinji upotrebljavajte višestruko nezasićene masne kiseline kao što su suncokretovo i ulje repice. Maslac ili margarin mažite na kruh vrlo štedljivo. Mastima su bogati i slatkiši, keksi, kolači, sladoled. Svoju želju za slatkim utažite nečim zdravim, svježim voćem, muslijem s jogurtom.

Je li riba dobra za trudnice

Naravno. Sedmično su dovoljne dvije porcije ribe. Birajte morsku ribu koja će vam pored bjelančevina dati i važne materije kao što je jod ili visokovrijedne omega-3 masne kiseline.

Savjet: Neke vrste ribe sadrže jedinjenja žive. To su grgeč, štuka, tuna. U trudnoći treba jesti samo dobro skuhanu ili ribu ispečenu na roštilju.

Šta je s jajima

Dovoljna su dva-tri komada sedmično u šta su ubrojana i jaja u kolačima, sosovima i drugoj hrani.

Savjet: Da biste spriječili eventualnu infekciju salmonelom, jedite samo tvrdo skuhana ili ispečena jaja. Izbjegavajte jela sa meko kuhanim jajima.

Sometimes expectant mothers advised to "eat well". The thought itself is good - but said in this form is wrong. For it is not an important quantity, but quality. When we read these pages you will be able to make the right menu to you and your baby to provide all that is needed.

Tip: It is better to plan a day, five smaller but three generous meals. Thus, your blood sugar will always be of approximately the same level and you will feel better.

Should more calories

You need enough nutrients first. That's why you need to look out for a measured and uniform nutrition. The need for more calories will increase only after the fourth month. Since then expectant mothers should be 250 to 300 calories (corresponding lobe of bread and cheese or one apple of medium size). Pregnant women of normal weight in this case there will be the necessary 2,500 calories a day.

What offer fruits and vegetables

They are, above all, important as donors energy - and especially at the time when pregnant women usually have no appetite. But, above all, they provide ballast matters and necessary vitamins, which applies especially to fresh fruits and vegetables. Vegetables ready cooked, or eat something raw. Prepare yourself more servings of fruits and vegetables during the day.

The role of meat

Sufficient to you three to four small portions a week. From the meat you get the iron body thoroughly used as the protein. Choose lean meats.

Tip: Eat a little dried meat foods, because they usually contain a lot of fat. Temporary completely throw off the menu the raw meat such as salami and various sausages and steak tartare.

* Folic acid is essential for cell division and the formation of cells, prevents the formation of spina bifida (open spine) in babies. Many women before pregnancy do not have enough folic acid, and their prescribing physician and additional quantities.

* You must have enough iron, because in pregnancy increases the amount of blood. With iron produces more hemoglobin, and it allows the transport of oxygen, even the baby. If you do not have enough hemoglobin, the doctor will prescribe an appropriate preparation.

Iodine is important for healthy brain development and thyroid. You'll find it in marine fish and iodized table salt.

Satisfaction with Sales

04/06/2015 19:27

Times have changed. Consumers have a greater choice of products, sellers must be changed according to the situation. Win-win model that satisfies both sides. Customer who receives a product that wants and who he is useful, the seller who is expanding its customer base and earn. Selling can be a job that you enjoy.

From average to excellent presentation - In your business you have a lot of presentations? You need more confidence? You want to be relaxed when you work presentation? There are techniques that can be learned to become self-confident, relaxed and smiling when you present.

Communication skills -Poznavanje communication techniques and harmonization with the caller today veomavažno in everyday family and professional life. Make a good first impression. Become clear, kongruenti and precision in communication and make goodwill and respect for interviewees.

Your personal image It's important today to be recognized. It is also important that the communication style odvelike assist in communication, presentation and sales. Image can create and to destroy. Kojiostavite impression in the first two minutes the person is important. Complete by their loyal and characteristic style.

How the corrects walleye?

03/06/2015 19:25

1. Make sure the constant wearing of glasses. The glasses prescription, allowing a clear picture, encourage the further development of sight, reducing the effort of view and the size of the angle of squinting.

2. The closure (occlusion) of a "good eye" to that way about a visually impaired forced to "work". Depending on the age of the child's good eye was closed for several hours every day.

3. In addition to above, apply and close work: drawing, watching picture books, reading, all this represents a daily exercise at home.

4. For children older than four years may apply to the exercise devices, which stimulate the visually impaired around the function.

Considering that in pregnancy the abdomen to expand approximately 50 to 60 centimeters, which is extremely burden to the skin, the connective tissue is weak there is a ruptured and stretch marks are formed.

Stretch marks can whiten time, but permanently remain whitish scars that are difficult to remove. But so well to keep those old folk "Better safe ..." and recommends regular massage and body care, especially during pregnancy.

Pregnant women are advised at the very beginning of pregnancy regularly, and twice a day, massaging the stomach and affected areas and gently štipkati skin (grasp the skin between thumb and forefinger, pull up and drop), and the skin can gradually and gently crush.

An effective fight against stretch marks is any kind of massage, and the principle is always the same - the first massage of the hips through the buttocks and the abdomen. Use your time in the shower or in the tub for water massage - not only strengthens the skin, but also has an effective relaxing effect.

Do not forget to exercise - Regular exercise strengthens muscles, keeps skin elastic, and experts say and to facilitate childbirth.

Darkening of the areola in early pregnancy could happen to you the areola (the dark area around the nipple) begin to darken and increase. It is believed that the darker color helps the newborn to find your nipple during breastfeeding. Also, there is a possibility that you and the veins on her breasts become more visible during this period.

If you are pregnant, one of the most common side effects in the first eight to ten weeks is exhaustion. The body, in fact, is going through significant metabolic changes, but for most women it is calm around the 12th week of pregnancy.

Morning sickness: Morning sickness begins very early - even a week after conception, but already they themselves can inspire you to reach for some specific tests.

Frequent urination: By the time when your period late in a week, two, you will find that you have to urinate more frequently. This is logical, given the fact that the child grows and puts pressure on your bladder.

Close: also be possible to digest during the first weeks of pregnancy. The extra hormones during pregnancy cause the intestines to relax therefore become less efficient.

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* Remember, all the fruit refreshes and contains a lot of pregnant women necessary ballast substances;

* Potatoes - a classic favor of many dishes, it is highly recommended foods, because in it there are numerous complex carbohydrates;

* Employed pregnant women in the restaurant should order a piece of meat and more potatoes. I avoid fatty sauces;

* The bottled mineral water is given and calcium content. Maybe your favorite mineral water is not enough, so you should choose richer in this mineral;

* Always have a lemon on hand - let you serve the creation of freshly squeezed lemonade, it improve the taste of plain water you drink, salad, season with lemon juice;

* Lettuce is much more than decoration of the table: It contains the required and valuable folic acid;

* Say honestly - how chocolate "consumes" between meals? And your best snack is called - fruit.

* A delicious alternative to candy and snacks are pieces of pineapple, strawberry or raspberry occasional. Important: In pregnancy, all the fruit, vegetables and salad should be thoroughly washed.

* Your baby should eat and drink with you. And because her liver is unable to break down alcohol, it will arrive safely in her brain. No one can say what will be done there, so that was better - total abstinence.

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