
Check Your Baby's Hearing

20/07/2015 10:58

If you are concerned that your baby hears well, there are several ways to check how it develops its sense of hearing.

* From birth until the third month of a baby will not stop waving his hands when he hears a noise; will start crying when someone raises voice; will stop all activity when her govorte.

* From the third to the sixth month will begin to pay attention to sounds that made her interesting.

* From sixth to 12th month the baby will turn his head towards the sound source; will start to mimic sounds they hear very often and you would say at least one word.

* One in 1,000 babies are born with damage to one or both ears. However, most of the problems with speech, language or learning consequences are impaired.

Also, children's hearing could be damaged and later in life, after a number of ear infections, meningitis hav-, another chronic illness or if in the family there are cases impaired.

And if you suspect that your baby has a hearing problem, consult your pediatrician, otolaryngologist or speech therapist. Also, hearing children should be checked during childhood.

Although as a parent, perhaps, of their babies expect much more, it is only a little being which is infinitely need your love, not expectations. This is what, according to the phases of development, you should not expect from a newborn.

Up to six weeks

* Do not expect to know everything just because you read a lot of books;

* If the breast-feeding be easily and naturally, you will need to practice (but worth it);

* Does the pediatrician always say the right thing or know all the answers;

* Do not expect your baby to love mobile above the crib because you liked;

* If you are relatives not to interfere where it was not wanted;

* Do you do anything, even when the baby sleeps;

* Do not expect the baby much more than eating, sleeping and pooping.

By the third month

* Do not expect a baby to sleep through the night in the 12th week of life;

* Do not expect the baby to feel safe when you're not in sight;

* Do not expect your partner to agree with all of your views on parenting.

By the sixth month

* Do not expect your child to like the idea of ​​playing with other children like you;

* If the child will not need to breastfeed or bottle at night;

* If your baby will love it the first porridge;

* If the baby will get a tooth only because it received another baby;

* If your baby will quickly break a tooth just because saliva and bites his hand.

From the sixth to dvetog months

* Do not expect your baby to crawl, some babies skip this stage;

* If the baby will love to wash her teeth erupt;

* If the child to sleep through the night (outbreak teeth, separation anxiety, leaps in growth and development, can wake a child at night);

* If the child continues to receive a lot of weight, especially if it crawled;

From nine to twelve months

* Do not expect a child to walk, some babies do not walk until 16 months;

* Do not expect the baby to sit in the pan until you have finished eating;

* Do not expect the baby that she would like all the food you offer, most of them are very picky;

* To be able to leave a baby alone for a second.

Early Teeth Are A Problem?

14/07/2015 16:04

Is it true? It depends from which angle watching. The earlier teeth erupt, the greater the chance of tooth decay because teeth are simply longer in the mouth, but just at the beginning can not be properly cleaned. A decay in primary teeth affected later on permanent teeth.

Some scientists believe the flaw early obtaining teeth fact that many mothers stop breastfeeding before their child for fear of what they bite boob. A child is healthy to breastfeed as long as possible.

After all: One child in 2,000 to 3,000 births in the world comes with teeth. Most often the "witch tooth" immediately be removed because he has absolutely no roots, so that the child can swallow.

9 Hazardous drugs are to ease the anguish in Teething

Is it true? Springing teeth naturally is just like learning to walk - this phase must pass each child. But the difficulties that surround this natural phase of development can he and mitigate:

First dab his zacrvenjelu mucosa swab of cotton wool soaked in a solution of chamomile or sage.

2. Give him something cold to chew, as the cold weather reduces blood supply and prevents inflammation.

3. Test Homeopathy: Classical Homeopathy recommended, depending on the problem, belladonna or Camomillu. I can help and mixed preparations as Osanit.

4th Dentinox. Gel soothes sore gums, can help your child easily eat a meal. Only con is that it contains some alcohol.

5. In case of emergency aid will spill paracetamol. However, be careful. It is better to teach a child to endure a little, but you get used to it for every little ailment to seek medication.

Within The First Year

13/07/2015 16:02

The child should be able to:

* Sit without help;

* Crawl on your hands and knees and get up;

* To walk with compliance;

* Imitate words and sounds and respond to simple requests;

* Enjoy playing and clapping;

* Repeat sounds and require attention;

* Raise things thumb and one finger;

* Begin to take up the things like spoons or cups and try to eat;

Advice for parents:

* Warn children to the object and name it, we often talk and play with your child;

* Take advantage of mealtimes to encourage interaction with all family members;

* If the child is developing slowly or has a physical disability, concentrate on its opportunities and encourage more of them;

* Do not leave a child more hours in one position;

* Environment make it safe as possible to managed to prevent incidents or accidents;

* Continue to breastfeed and ensure the child has enough variety of food;

* Help your child is experimenting with a spoon and a cup;

* Take care of regular vaccination and intake of sufficient amounts of micronutrients,

Warning signs:

* The child does not produce any sounds in response to someone's question;

* A child is watching and does not follow objects in motion;

* A child is indifferent and unresponsive to the person who cherishes;

* There is no appetite or refuses food.

Marketing is not for amateurs. And it is not an easy task even for professionals. There are many details that must be observed. Many equate marketing with advertising. Marketing is not advertising. Marketing is a science. Complex and big science. What I will now write. Now I want briefly to point out the problem that some restaurants by cuisine in Serbia have with the introduction of its food.

In fact, I noticed that some restaurants by cuisine do not put pictures of their meals at popular sites such as Fetch. Why this is so I do not know. But I know that behind the promotion of food is tremendously time spent on research, design and the process of photography. Complete the science behind it. And you know how many chains such as McDonald's spent time in taking photos bigmek, and what it looks like when you receive it personally. But that's not the point. The point is that many restaurants worldwide are trying to show better and better picture of its food. But with us? No!

Because this way I want to say to all the owners, bosses, marketing managers and others engaged in marketing in restaurants: always try to give the visitors the image of food you're making. Because a picture speaks a thousand words.

Men And Pregnancy 2

30/06/2015 16:57

First awareness about the loss of "freedom"

In fact, he was aware that the birth of a child many things change, there will be more tied to the home, you will need more woman and child, the less will be located with the boys in the bar or on the sports field - it is the so-called. loss of freedom.

2nd Fear of responsibility

Until recently cared only about themselves. Now it should be to take care of the family. Will the current income be sufficient? What are the expenses for the child? Besides the financial aspect, he asks himself questions and how to behave as a father to his wife, children, colleagues, acquaintances. Will they make the same mistakes that condemned with his father?

3rd Look in the Mirror

It is particularly difficult boys whom life so far has been fun and that they avoided "grow up". Looking in the mirror, he asks himself - and really that old? And he is aware that part of the youth decided to leave,

the first is a fear of aging.

4. Sex and jealousy

They wanted to or not, we must admit that the quality of the relationship with a woman a man much sex. As pregnant women tends to be less in the mood for sex, he interprets this as "the loss of love." And since a woman of childbearing age more concerned with seed that carries in the stomach, in a man appears and jealousy, actually the fear of losing his wife's love and attention. This behavior is particularly noticeable in men who have their pre-pregnant women (a mother and earlier) spoiled.

5. Lack of paternal feelings

A man is difficult, almost impossible before the birth of a child to develop some paternal feelings. A woman exactly what was expected. For this reason a man scared, not sure if this feeling ever develop it. Although, objectively, places no such fears. For at least the first baby's smile disappears in man "stronger" sex, and he will become affectionate father.

Men And Pregnancy

29/06/2015 16:56

Studies have shown that many expectant fathers suffer from "maternity problem". Some gain weight, others are moody, and there are that during the first months of his wife's pregnancy pains in the stomach.

It sounds insane, but that's it.

The causes of this behavior are psychological in nature. Some men really sympathize with his pregnant wife, others, again, during this period need more attention and tenderness. Many psychologists are convinced that some men are envious of his wife in pregnancy, thereby explaining their purchase of new vehicles or deal with the new hobby in the last months of her pregnancy.

Of course, none of them will admit that they are afraid of pregnancy and childbirth. Thanks to the traditional division of roles, the woman is weak, and the man as the breadwinner and protector, can not afford to be timid.

The cause of preterm birth

28/06/2015 16:54

In their study, researchers from the University of North Carolina have shown that women with chronic inflammation of the gums, there are seven times higher chance of premature birth, and that 18 percent of premature births in the United States caused by just such inflammation. It is believed that the immune system of the mother in the gums creates specific antibodies to protect against infection, but not these antibodies reduce blood flow to the placenta and cause contractions and premature labor.

What you can do it yourself

1. No matter how loved and wanted a sweet, enjoy sweets very moderate. After the candy brush your teeth. Of course this should not be done after every cubes of chocolate, or edit it if during the day two or three times reaching for something sweet. Make sure you use a toothpaste with high content of fluorine.

2. Ensure sufficient time for a thorough and time-consuming to brush their teeth, longer than you're used to. The speed and ferocity will quickly damage the gums. These are ideal places to attack bacteria.

3. Use a soft toothbrush. Very stiff brush unnecessarily irritate the gums.

4th Toothbrush change more often than usual. In the old brushes are already at home a number of bacteria.

5th mouthwash refresh and disinfect. Choose those plant-based and use them from time to time.

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Smoking during pregnancy can lead to damage to the genetic material of cells of the fetus and increase the risk for subsequent occurrence of cancer.

Researchers at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona have the effect of smoking during pregnancy examined the cells that float in the fluid surrounding the fetus.

These cells produced'm fetus, but they later separated from him. To these cells, amniocyte, scientists have ways of routine amniocentesis.

It was shown that the cells of the fetus of pregnant women who smoke have higher levels of chromosomal abnormalities, damage and instability.

Further analyzes revealed that the tobacco has the strongest influence on the chromosomal fragments linked to the development of leukemia.

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